I have just completed a package of 10 trans-dermal ozone session with PEMF and I have noticed a major improvement in my keloid scarring. My scars were terrible the the point that I was unable to wear some types of clothing because of pain. My scars have now thinned and decreased and gone down in size at least 75%-80% and the tightness and constant burning pain I felt is no longer there.

I had twins a year and a half ago and it took a major toll on my hair. I lost so much hair that my temples were completely bald. I started to get some of it back but I still had quite a bit of missing hair. I have been doing LaserStim HairGrowth treatments for a month, and I cannot believe how fast those bare spots are filling in! I can’t wait to see what my hair looks like after a couple more months!

I have just completed a package of 10 IASIS sessions. When I began I was in a constant state of apathy where I just didn't care about anything one way or the other. I wasn't able to smile, laugh hope, cry, or feel much of anything. After my first session I slept better than I had in over a year. Now I am back to myself, laughing hoping, looking forward to events, and getting out of the house. I am taking part in activities and looking forward to the future. I have my hobbies and joy back. My mind feels better than ever.


Quantum Energy Wellness Center
supports the Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Wellness seekers by creating balance and harmony in the body, so that the body can utilize its natural healing capabilities to restore WELLNESS.
We operate on a foundation of Quantum Frequencies utilizing Holistic and State-of-the-Art devices and ancient principles that are rooted in creating Balance and Harmony in the Body. Harmony between all of our cells leads to total Body health, which can only occur when the Body is in the state of balance and harmony that GOD intended all of our bodies to be in.
Our goal is to allow the cells to be in alignment with the Word of GOD, and how HE created us to be.
We operate on a foundation of Quantum Frequencies utilizing Holistic and State-of-the-Art devices and ancient principles that are rooted in creating Balance and Harmony in the Body. Harmony between all of our cells leads to total Body health, which can only occur when the Body is in the state of balance and harmony that GOD intended all of our bodies to be in.
Our goal is to allow the cells to be in alignment with the Word of GOD, and how HE created us to be.
is founded on the concept of vibration as well as resonance.
The energy level within the body is escalated by visualization as well as breathing of power flow. Quantum Healing isn’t just a religious thing, though additionally, it directs positive effects on the immune system.”
“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding. The sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.”

We are a Private Membership Association. Save 20% off your first single session
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This information is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute the advice and/or services of a physician or other health care professional. It is not our intention to prescribe or make specific health claims for any of our technologies or products.
Any attempt to diagnose and treat illness should come under the direction and supervision of your health care practitioner.